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Brian Moroney



+61 2 9234 4622 0407 916 995

Brian has extensive experience in insurance law, with a particular emphasis on common law, public and product liability claims, construction and engineering liability, as well as recovery actions involving injuries ranging from minor to catastrophic and workers compensation. He has been involved in hundreds of litigated claims, many of which are reported decisions.


Brian’s practice spans injury and non-injury claims including general insurance, public and product liability and professional indemnity.

Brian is a recognised expert in dispute and case management. He has acted as lead delegate and advocate for the Law Society of NSW in numerous public inquiries and has been called to give expert testimony before both the NSW and Australian Parliaments. 

He has acted for major insurers in numerous matters involving building, architects, real estate and other professionals, including litigation in NSW, ACT, Victoria and South Australia. He has provided expert reports in professional negligence claims against lawyers in both the Supreme and District courts of NSW.

Brian is highly sought after to handle complex and major claims by numerous insurers and private industry clients, and appears in all jurisdictions. He is commended by his clients as being ‘very approachable, gets straight to the point’ and for his ‘ability to use common sense examples to define some of the tricky legal jargon’ as well as ‘very professional and direct’ and ‘refreshing’.

He has represented the Law Society of NSW in a number of inquiries, including a Compensation Costs Inquiry and the NSW Legislative Council Inquiry into Tort Reform in NSW.

He appeared as an Advocate, lead representative and expert witness for the Law Society of NSW in proceedings before the Australian Government Productivity Commission Inquiry into Disability Support Services and the establishment of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. 


Brian has acted for leading Australian insurers in numerous High Court and Court of Appeal cases. His experience includes acting as solicitor on record or with carriage of matters which include:



Ranked as Recommended, Leading or Preeminent Lawyer – Public & Product Liability in NSW by Doyle’s Guide since 2020. 

Ranked in the peer-reviewed Best Lawyers® in Australia list for Personal Injury Litigation 2025.



  • Bachelor of Laws (Hons), 1999


  • Law Society of NSW – Injury Compensation Committee (2001 – 2014)
  • NSW Court of Appeal User Group Representative 
  • NSW Workers Compensation Commission User Group Representative, foundation member
  • Law Society of NSW – Chairman of the Workers Compensation sub-committee and delegate to WorkCover NSW (since 2005 – 2014)
  • Law Society of NSW – Previous Chairman of the Tort Law Reform sub-committee and delegate to the NSW Attorney-General and Minister for Finance in relation to issues pertaining to tort law reform and injury compensation