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Billy Liolios

Senior Associate


+61 3 8399 6128 0409 535 518

Billy practices in construction and building law and works closely with construction industry participants through all phases of the project life-cycle. Billy has significant experience in drafting and advising on construction contracts and related agreements for various types of projects including commercial and domestic building and renewable solar farm projects.


Billy regularly advises on a suite of different forms of project agreements. These include Australian Standard Contracts (and amendments), tripartite agreements and security agreements with financiers, Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contracts, Operation and Maintenance Agreements, consultant and subcontract agreements including downstream and upstream risk allocation.

Billy works closely with construction industry participants on various types of commercial and domestic projects providing advice on construction, infrastructure and engineering claims, including on the engagement of experts and preparation of contractual notices involving extension of time claims, variations and notices of dispute.

Billy has acted for both Claimants and Respondents on claims under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2002 (Vic) (Act). This work includes the drafting of adjudication applications and responses, advising on rights of recovery under the Act including applications for judgement and applications for judicial review of a determination made by an adjudicator.

Billy has an engineering/technical background which enables him to apply his legal knowledge with an understanding of the broader construction issues at play. He is intent on providing practical and considered advice in addressing his clients’ goals both in the short-term and the long-term.


Billy’s major matters include:

  • Working closely with a range of builders on all construction aspects of their projects including Element 5/VCON and Balmain;
  • Various domestic building projects including the following:
    • Domain House – 41-49 Bank Street, South Melbourne: 170 apartments over eighteen levels;
    • Townhaus – Stanley Street, West Melbourne: 37 residential townhouses;
    • Lumiere – 1110-1112 Dandenong Road, Carnegie: 38 apartments over 3 levels;
  • St Michael’s Grammar School – drafting agreements for the re-development of St George Uniting Church into a music and drama centre;
  • Advised Biosar Australia and its parent company Ellaktor Group on ongoing project matters relating to eight solar farm projects across Australia with a total project value in excess of $1bn.



  • Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering) (Hons), 2017, Monash University
  • Bachelor of Laws (Hons), 2018, Monash University


  • Law Institute of Victoria