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Katherine Marchant

Special Counsel


+61 3 8399 6174

Katherine has more than 10 years’ experience working within financial services and has specialised in life and disability claims since 2012. 


Katherine’s principal area of practice is acting for insurers and trustees of superannuation funds in relation to total and permanent disablement claims, income protection and death claims. She has considerable experience in this field, having worked in defendant law firms as a life insurance litigator, and prior to that, as a lawyer advising clients in relation to financial services, with a focus on financial advice and life insurance.

Katherine’s experience includes secondment with one of Australia’s leading life insurers, providing legal advice and support to their claims team. She has also worked as a case manager within the investments, life insurance and superannuation team at the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).

Her experience includes undertaking a review of complex life insurance advice for the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Katherine’s detailed report informed some of ASIC’s findings in Report 413: Retail life insurance advice, published in October 2014.


Ranked in the peer-reviewed Best Lawyers® in Australia list for Insurance Law 2024

Katherine has assisted her insurer clients reach settlements in numerous litigated claims.

She has prepared many submissions to AFCA (and its predecessor schemes) on behalf of her clients, as well as successfully assisting clients in that jurisdiction with serious misconduct and possible systemic issue investigations.

Katherine has also acted for her insurer clients in relation to appeals from, and applications for, judicial review in respect of determinations of the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal in the Federal Court.



  • Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Hons), Flinders University, South Australia (2007)
  • Bachelor of International Studies, Flinders University, South Australia (2003)
  • Diploma of Financial Planning, Kaplan Professional (2015)


  • Law Institute of Victoria
  • Women in Insurance
  • Australasian Life Underwriting and Claims Association