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Alannah Dewing

Special Counsel


+61 2 9234 4647

Alannah has experience in a broad range of insurance litigation including personal injury, public liability, professional indemnity and life insurance claims. She has specialist experience in catastrophic personal injury claims with complex liability and quantum issues.


Alannah regularly acts for leading domestic and London-based insurers defending unlitigated and litigated claims in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.

She has experience acting for Government Agencies, Associations, principal contractors, sub-contractors, real estate agents, aged care providers, security companies, health care providers in immigration detention facilities and cleaning companies.

Alannah uses her litigation skills and expertise in carefully analysing evidence to progress claims and achieve timely resolutions for clients.

She is well versed in drafting advices tailored to clients’ needs, drafting pleadings, using her forensic skills to obtain expert liability and medical evidence, interviewing witnesses and preparing affidavits, and attending hearings, informal settlement conferences and mediations.


Some of the major cases Alannah has been involved in are:

  • Acting for a Security Company in Victoria’s COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine Inquiry and assisting in the preparation of witness statements
  • Acting for one of Australia’s largest Aged Care Providers in answering a request for information issued by the Commissioner in the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety
  • Acting on behalf of London Underwriters in defending six personal injury claims arising out of a fire in a unit block, resulting in one of the plaintiffs sustaining catastrophic injury as result of jumping out of a window
  • Acting for a head contractor in defence of a personal injury claim which settled on the basis of a judgment in the head contractors favour
  • Acting on behalf of an Association in defence of historical sexual abuse claims
  • Acting for a health care provider in immigration detention facilities in defence of personal injury claims alleged to have arisen from medical treatment provided whilst in detention
  • Assisting a health care provider in an immigration detention facility to prepare its evidence in an inquest into the death of a detainee.



  • Bachelor of Laws, 2013, University of Technology, Sydney
  • Bachelor of Business, 2013, University of Technology, Sydney


  • Australian Professional Indemnity Group
  • Law Society of New South Wales
  • Young Insurance Professionals