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Amanda Danti

Special Counsel


+61 8 6317 0424

Amanda has extensive insurance law and litigation experience having practiced in the area since 2009. She commenced her practice at DibbsBarker in Canberra, and then after moving to Perth worked at WHL Legal, after which she joined Moray & Agnew in 2016.

Experience & Expertise

Amanda is a skilled insurance lawyer with ‘hands on’ experience in managing a range of claims in both Western Australia and Australian Capital Territory.

Over the last decade, Amanda has advised and acted on behalf of various insurers in connection with claims involving Commonwealth and State workers’ compensation, public liability, and industrial diseases.

Amanda’s current principal area of work is advising and acting on behalf of the Commonwealth and numerous self-insureds in relation to workers’ compensation claims made pursuant to the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Cth).

Amanda’s approach to legal work includes:

  • Preparing detailed initial advices on the available evidence, settlement options / proceeding to hearing, further investigations and quantum
  • Implementing recommendations made in the initial advice such as briefing experts and meeting with witnesses
  • Preparing updates of legal advice concerning medical reports, discovered documents and other material
  • Drafting pleadings and other correspondence
  • Attending Preliminary Conferences and Conciliation Conferences.



  • Bachelor of Laws, 2005, The University of Western Australia
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) 2005, The University of Western Australia
  • Masters of Laws (with Merit), 2008, The Australian National University


  • Law Society of Western Australia