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Elizabeth Lough

Special Counsel


+61 2 8651 4729

Elizabeth’s practice focuses primarily on directors and officers and professional indemnity insurance, providing coverage advice and defence of litigated claims and product development.


Elizabeth has developed stand out expertise in financial lines insurance, with over 20 years’ experience acting in both insurance and commercial matters. Her career spans both private practice as well as claims and product development within the insurance industry in Australia and Asia. Prior to joining our Sydney professional indemnity team in early 2019, Elizabeth was the financial lines claims manager with one of Australia’s largest professional indemnity insurers, involved in most major securities class action litigation in Australia and other claims involving:

  • Regulatory investigations against companies and individuals
  • Professional indemnity claims against financial institutions (including the Hayne Royal Commission), accountants, financial planners, architects, engineers, migration agents, barristers and lawyers
  • Fidelity claims.

She provides complex coverage advice to insurers and insureds. She is renowned for her highly developed negotiation and risk assessment skills and regularly participates in mediations and other negotiations.

She also frequently presents to internal and external audiences and has a great deal of experience in training claims personnel.


Acting for an insurer on the successful recovery of $14 million based on a finding of dishonesty.



  • Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), Macquarie University
  • Bachelor of Laws, Macquarie University


  • Australian Professional Indemnity Group