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Lucy Munro

Special Counsel


+61 2 4911 5494

With a keen eye for detail and a pragmatic approach, Lucy is a skilled litigator practising in insurance law. Her areas of expertise including workers compensation, compulsory third party (CTP) and recovery claims.

Experience & Expertise

Since the reforms to CTP claims that took place in 2017, Lucy’s principal area of practice has shifted to workers compensation and she receives regular instructions from both WorkCover Scheme Agents and self-insured clients. As well as frequently representing insurer clients in statutory benefits matters, she acts in common law and recovery claims.

Lucy routinely appears in the Workers Compensation Commission (now the Personal Injury Commission) and has appeared in the District Court of NSW, Supreme Court of NSW and the Claims Assessment Resolution Service (now the Dispute Resolution Service). She is experienced in informal settlement negotiations, mediation, conciliation, arbitration and costs assessment processes.

Lucy prides herself on providing thorough and skilled representation. She is often called on to give advice in time-sensitive and complex matters.

Lucy enjoys collaborating with the employer and insurer in achieving favourable outcomes in a timely manner. She regularly attains resolutions in common law matters that fall below client estimates.


Lucy has advised and defended insurer clients across a range of claims for the last 7 years.

Some of Lucy’s major achievements include successfully defending three fraudulent claims, in which it was alleged by the insurer that one of the plaintiffs was not in the vehicle when the motor accident occurred. Following an eight day Hearing, one of the claims settled in favour of the defendant and Verdicts were entered for the defendant in the remaining two claims: Mustapha Daher v Anthony Gauci; Walid Daher v Anthony Gauci [2019] NSWDC 18.

Lucy recently assisted in acting for the employer in common law proceedings brought by the plaintiff, a coal miner, against the host employer, occupier and employer. She was involved in negotiating a highly favourable resolution, resulting in the proceedings against the employer being discontinued.

Lucy was also involved in the related matters of Jesse Jerime Khalil; Sandra Khalil bht Miriana Khalil; Miriana Khalil and Justin Khalil v Hamid Taoube and The Nominal Defendant (2015/00237915, unreported), acting for the insurer as agent for the Nominal Defendant. Fraud was pleaded by both defendants on the basis that the collisions were staged accidents. Part-way through the Hearing, a Verdict was entered in favour of both defendants in all matters, by agreement.

However, Lucy’s abilities in the day to day handling of claims and disputes are some of her best accomplishments. She has acted in numerous statutory benefits claims involving disputes in respect of both physical and psychological injuries, is skilled in handling appeals in respect of both Member level decisions and Medical Assessment Certificates and regularly protects the interests of her clients in common law damages claims, recovery proceedings and work injury damages matters.


Faculty of Business and Law Undergraduate Scholarship for Commencing Students, University of Newcastle, 2009

Dr Geoffrey Leonard AM 1st Year Law Student Scholarship, University of Newcastle, 2009 



  • Bachelor of Laws, 2014, University of Newcastle
  • Bachelor of Arts, 2013, University of Newcastle
  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, 2014, Australian National University


  • Law Society of NSW
  • Newcastle Law Society
  • Hunter Young Professionals
  • Business Hunter