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Hamish Craib

Special Counsel


+61 7 3225 5943 0401 645 041

Hamish has practised in commercial litigation, liability insurance (property damage and injury claims), professional indemnity and workers’ compensation in Queensland for the past 20 years.


Hamish is adept at not only identifying and focussing on the key issues that arise in each claim, but recognises ‘big picture’ issues, such as where a claim may become scheme sensitive.

Hamish is experienced with complex large scale litigation involving electronic discovery, and has conducted lengthy trials with evidence being adduced electronically.

Hamish is also experienced with professional indemnity claims involving financial services professionals, and construction professionals.

Hamish is experienced in coronial inquiries. He acted in the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry, and in the Pike River Mine Royal Commission.

Before entering private practice, Hamish worked as a workers’ compensation claims’ officer. This experience provided a unique insight as to the importance of providing timely and pragmatic advice to his clients, including the need to accurately reserve claims. His focus is to simplify seemingly complex issues, and to collect all relevant evidence as soon as possible to prevent any unpleasant surprises for his clients.