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Angela Koh

Senior Associate


+61 3 8399 6159

Angela specialises in commercial property law and joins the Melbourne property team with experience in advising on a broad range of commercial property transactions in New Zealand.


Before joining Moray & Agnew Angela  worked for a top-tier law firm in New Zealand for 8 years on numerous complex and high profile property transactions. These include acquisition and disposals, sale and leaseback, development and subdivision.

Angela has acted for several large commercial and retail landlord and tenant clients in New Zealand, advising on all aspects of their national leasing portfolio across a diverse range of property types, such as office, retail and industrial premises.

Angela also has extensive experience in undertaking property due diligence across a range of property assets.

Angela enjoys working closely and collaboratively with her clients. She takes a common-sense and practical approach to find a tailored solution for her clients. 


  • Acting for NZX-listed companies in respect of acquisition and disposal of a range of property types, including office, retail, hospitals and industrial sites
  • Providing leasing advice to landlord and tenant clients
  • Assisting clients with large national property portfolios with management of leasing precedents
  • Advising on property aspects of due diligence and projects in large-scale corporate transactions. 



  • Bachelor of Laws, 2011, University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours), 2012, University of Auckland, New Zealand


  • Law Institute of Victoria