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Kara Yacoubian



+61 2 9234 4683

Kara specialises in defending professionals and providing coverage advice in respect of a diverse range of claims against professionals, D&Os, financial institutions and crime and fidelity claims. Kara has a strong and diverse background in litigation including, in particular, class action proceedings and is well known for her strategic and commercial approach.


Kara is an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer in professional indemnity, financial lines and director and officer disputes, often involving complex and high value litigation including class action proceedings arising from financial collapses or failed managed investment schemes. Kara brings a strategic and commercial focus to her matters which has resulted in favourable outcomes for clients.

Kara has considerable experience in the class action space and litigated matters in a wide range of commercial and insurance disputes in Federal and State Courts and Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). She has provided coverage and defence advice and representation for insurers and a diverse range of insured professionals such as accountants, auditors, financial advisors, lawyers and construction professionals including builders, architects and building certifiers. Kara also has considerable experience in policy interpretation and coverage advice for both Australian and international insurers and has represented insurers when joined to actions under the Civil Liability (Third Party Claims Against Insurers) Act 2017.

Kara has international experience having worked as a foreign qualified lawyer in respect of professional indemnity disputes in a central London firm. In addition to her legal prowess, Kara also has accountancy and auditing qualifications and experience gained prior to commencing her legal career.


  • Acting as coverage counsel in respect of a range of disputes in both Federal and State Courts including high value securities class action claims against ASX listed companies and / or their directors, officers and professional advisors following share price drops or corporate collapses, consumer or ASIC lead claims against major FIs, claims against corporations and their directors and officers regarding failed managed investment schemes and ASIC examinations and proceedings
  • Representing insurers and insured professionals in an extensive range of commercial litigation matters with a focus on professional indemnity matters for accountants, auditors and construction professionals (including claims involving ACP cladding)
  • Representing financial advisors in AFCA and providing defence, dispute resolution and strategic advice
  • International experience acting for international clients in London in relation to small and large professional indemnity claims
  • Representing insurers joined to proceedings under the Civil Liability (Third Party Claims Against Insurers) Act 2017 (NSW).


Ranked in the peer-reviewed Best Lawyers® in Australia list for Insurance Law since 2023.



  • Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Commence (Majors in Accountancy and Management)


  • Australian Professional Indemnity Group
  • Law Society of New South Wales
  • Australian Insurance Law Association