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Rachel Watson

Senior Associate


+61 2 6210 4258

Rachel works for insurer, government, and private clients, providing advice on a diverse range of matters including defendant insurance litigation, leasing, and succession planning and estates.


Rachel started working primarily in defendant insurance litigation, after working as a paralegal in our ACT property practice. She has experience across all lines of insurance claims, with a particular focus on professional indemnity, workers compensation, and public liability claims.

Rachel also has substantial experience advising and assisting clients in relation to commercial and government leasing, property law, succession planning, and finalisation of deceased estates.

Rachel is dedicated to obtaining the best possible outcomes for clients in all areas of her practice, with a focus on providing pragmatic and solution-focused advice to efficiently progress matters towards resolution. She has achieved impressive results for a number of major insurer and other clients on this basis. 


Rachel’s major matters include

  • Obtaining the first ‘Benjamin order’ made in the ACT in respect of a beneficiary under a will who could not be located: In the Estate of Hansie Hart [2019] ACTSC 317.
  • Successfully defending proceedings commenced by an ex-insured in relation to the validity of the insurer’s termination of the contract of insurance and the scope of the duty of ‘utmost good faith’ prescribed by the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth): Greinke & Dempsey v AAI Limited Trading As AAMI [2019] ACAT 26; Greinke & Dempsey v AAI Limited Trading As AAMI (Appeal) [2019] ACAT 99.
  • Obtaining default judgment, and succeeded in having the judgment upheld on challenge, in the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal in relation to a motor vehicle property damage recovery where liability was in dispute and the respondent insurer failed to action the claim in a timely manner.





  • Bachelor of Laws (Hons), 2018, Australian National University
  • Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Hons), 2020, Australian National University
  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, 2018, College of Law


  • Australian Professional Indemnity Group
  • Law Society of the ACT
  • Young Insurance Professionals (ACT)
  • Women Lawyers ACT