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Frances Allen



+61 2 4911 5455 +61 402 823 148

Frances has extensive experience and knowledge of compulsory third party (CTP) insurance law, from almost 25 years’ representing insurers. She specialises in major and more complex mainstream claims, including claims for recovery and contribution from public liability and workers compensation insurers.


Frances has extensive experience across all facets of defendant CTP litigation and claims management.

She has particular expertise in the defence of major CTP claims, including both catastrophic and non-catastrophic claims. Frances has successfully defended a number of unmeritorious, fraudulent, late and procedurally non-compliant claims.

Her other skills and experience include managing multiple liability and indemnity claims for contribution and complex medical / causation issues. Frances often advises clients on statutory interpretation and administrative law in relation to CTP claims management.

Frances regularly appears as an advocate at mediations, informal conferences, CARS and DRS hearings and interlocutory court applications. She has appeared in all courts and tribunals within NSW.

Frances has extensive experience with claims involving indemnity, dual insurance and s151Z of the Workers Compensation Act 1987 (NSW), and has also acted in a number of sensitive Compensation to Relatives Act 1897 (NSW) claims involving liability and indemnity issues.

Frances has recently been involved in a number of Supreme Court of NSW Administrative Law claims arising from Medical Assessment Service determinations.

Admitted to practice in NSW and the High Court, Frances joined our market-leading insurance team in 2016.

Frances has an outstanding reputation with insurer clients for her collaborative approach and effective implementation of tailored legal strategies to achieve early, cost effective resolution.

Her close attention to detail ensures each client’s full compliance with statutory obligations, particularly the implementation of rehabilitation and treatment for injured claimants. 


Frances’ expertise and pragmatic approach to problem solving has seen her develop an advisory relationship with her insurer clients. She has been closely involved in the training and transition of MACA to MAIA and was involved in one of the first successful Supreme Court challenges brought by an insurer which had scheme wide implications.

Frances also has an impressive record in achieving verdicts for the defendant in disputed liability claims. She has also been involved in a number of unmeritorious claims which have subsequently been withdrawn or dismissed resulting in considerable savings to her client insurers.

Recently, Frances has achieved seven verdicts for the defendant and had 14 unmeritorious claims withdrawn. She has also achieved a number of favourable verdicts in the Supreme Court relating to judicial review challenges, minimising awards for damages and resulting in considerable savings to her insurer clients. Her recent success in the matter of Jenkins, has scheme wide significance and results in substantial savings to insurers in the calculation of entitlements to statutory benefit payments under MAIA.



Ranked in the peer-reviewed Best Lawyers® in Australia list for Insurance Law since 2022.

Ranked as Leading Lawyer – Compulsory Third Party in NSW by Doyle’s Guide since 2021.



  • Graduate Diploma of Law, 1995, Legal Professional Admission Board


  • Women in Insurance NSW
  • Business Hunter
  • Law Society of New South Wales