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Philip Mavor

Special Counsel


+61 8 6317 0455

Philip joined Moray & Agnew in 2021 from Kott Gunning, and has extensive experience in local government issues and local government law, with a strong focus on providing practical and commercial advice.


Philip provides advice to metropolitan and regional local governments on Crown land and land use matters, planning, statutory compliance and governance, complex contracts, tenders, and other issues governed by Town Planning Schemes and legislative instruments such as the Local Government Act 1995, Building Act 2011, Planning and Development 2005, Land Administration Act 1997, and related regulations.

Philip regularly drafts Road Use and Maintenance Agreements between regional local governments and mining operators and advises on local government rate exemption applications and mining rate issues, and road matters.

Philip regularly advises incorporated associations on the process and requirements of their Constitutions and the Associations Incorporation Act 2015, and drafting of new compliant Constitutions.  

Philip also advises commercial clients on contractual and property issues, including contact terms and requirements, sale contracts, and lease and licence issues.

Prior to his admission, Philip had a career in the resource mining sector which provided him with a broad range of experience, and has over 15 years’ experience as a local government and planning lawyer with other law firms in Western Australia.


Philip has produced numerous written advices for local governments with a strong focus on providing practical and commercial advice. Philip has worked extensively with local governments and understands their requirements and sensitivities, and works closely with the local government officers to develop a sound understanding their requirements and the relevant issues, and is valued for his friendly and through approach.  

Philip was part of the legal team acting for the City of Armadale in Henville and City of Armadale [2018] WASAT 108 which is the leading case on what is a park home.


Publication and Papers

Philip has extensive experience in drafting and presenting education and training seminars to local governments on issues of interest and legal matters, both live and in webinars, on topics including Road Use Agreements, drafting of enforceable planning conditions, bias in decision making, misconduct, and delegations. Philip also regularly produces legal updates for online publication.



  • Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours), 2004, Murdoch University
  • Master of Business Administration, 2000, Curtin University
  • Graduate Diploma of Business, 1999, Curtin University
  • Bachelor of Education, 1980, Nedlands College of Advanced Education (now Edith Cowan University)


  • Law Society of Western Australia