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Tim Hancock

Special Counsel


+61 7 3225 5923

Tim has practiced almost exclusively in defendant insurance litigation throughout his career. Prior to commencing with Moray & Agnew has worked in the insurance practices of national and Queensland based legal firms.

Tim was admitted as a solicitor in NSW and as a solicitor of the High Court of Australia in 1993. He was admitted as a solicitor in Victoria in 1994 and as a solicitor in Queensland in 1997, where he has practiced since.


Tim has significant experience across a range of insurance litigation fields including professional indemnity; disciplinary and regulatory matters for professionals; general insurance litigation; statutory claims; public liability; workers compensation.

Tim is regarded for his detailed knowledge of insurance litigation, particularly in the personal injuries sphere. He understands the interplay of the various legislative regimes that govern personal injuries and insurance litigation and utilizes that understanding to the benefit of his clients.

Tim is adept at managing unlitigated and litigated claims and has a detailed knowledge of court process’s and strategies.

He is an accomplished negotiator and represents clients at conferences, mediations and various forms of ADR, both pre and post litigation.


Tim has been involved in many complex claims over the course of his career, including defending claims by overseas based litigants and has acted in defence of catastrophic claims involving multiple parties.

  • Advising a CTP insurer in a claim for catastrophic orthopaedic and neurological injuries brought by a German national injured while holidaying in Queensland, including obtaining complex medico-legal and taxation evidence overseas
  • Acting on a claim by a plaintiff who suffered serious neurological injuries when buried alive in a trench collapse, resulting in early settlement at mediation
  • Advising in a CTP matter where the plaintiff suffered catastrophic neurological and cognitive impairments resulting in extreme dysphasia, making communicating with plaintiff and his advisors difficult. Tim’s approach resulted in early resolution of the matter
  • Advising an insurer in a claim brought by a plaintiff while engaged in criminal activity. After negotiation, the plaintiff abandoned the claim
  • Advising an insurer in a common law workplace accident claim where multiple claims were dismissed on the basis of proven fraud and collusion on the part of the plaintiffs
  • Advising medical and legal practitioners, and their respective defence organisations in relation to defence of claims of negligence and responding to disciplinary proceedings brought by regulatory bodies, including preparation of detailed written submissions and appearing on behalf of clients before regulatory bodies.


Publication and Papers

Tim has presented at seminars and client conferences in the areas of Insurance Law and Personal Injuries and has written papers on those areas of law.

Awards / Accolades

Tim has been recognised as a Recommended lawyer for CTP (Defendant) by Doyle’s Guide since 2020.



  • Diploma of Law, 1993, University of Sydney, Law Extension Committee


  • Queensland Law Society
  • Australian Insurance Law Association