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Jasmine Forsyth



+61 7 3225 5912 0456 602 276

Jasmine is an experienced Senior Lawyer with a demonstrated history of working in government administration. She has extensive expertise in Government, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Litigation, Legal Advice, and Administrative Law.


Prior to joining private practice in 2019, Jasmine had over 18 years of service in Commonwealth Public Service. Jasmine regularly appears in the Federal Court, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, and Administrative Appeals Tribunal at preliminary conferences, interlocutory and hearings as instructed by her Commonwealth Clients.

Jasmine has significant management and litigation experience and is committed to delivering legal services which are consistent with public service values, resources, and accountability frameworks.



  • Graduate Certificate of Business, 2017, Queensland University of Technology
  • Graduate Diploma Legal Practice, 2010, College of Law
  • Bachelor of Laws, 2009, Queensland University of Technology

Specialist Accreditations

  • Nationally Accredited Mediator


  • Queensland Law Society