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Alev Byrne

Senior Associate


+61 8651 4762

Alev works on a range of litigious matters, with a focus on professional indemnity and public liability matters.

Experience & Expertise

Prior to working at Moray & Agnew, Alev worked as a solicitor for the NSW Crown Solicitors Office, specialising in statutory interpretation, prosecutions and civil litigation. In addition, Alev was an Associate to the Honourable Justice Farrell of the Federal Court of Australia, with a focus on corporations matter. 

Alev also teaches undergraduate Contract Law and Tort Law at the University of Sydney.

Her experience includes:

  • Acting in defence of tortious claims against a wide variety of professionals, including architects, accountants and solicitors, in the District Court of NSW and Supreme Court of NSW
  • Advice and representation in a wide variety of negligence claims against occupiers, education authorities, health authorities and practitioners, offender damages claims and defamation claims, acting for a variety of private and public entities, including the NSW Department of Family and Community Services, NSW Health and NSW Department of Education
  • Advice in relation to property damage claims under construction all risks insurance policies, including advising a major insurer with respect to design defect exclusions
  • Advice and representation in a variety of criminal matters, including regulatory prosecutions
  • Advice in relation to the application of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 and coverage advice, particularly to professional indemnity insurers.  

Alev’s wide ranging experience and expertise ensures that she is a practical and knowledgeable civil litigator, with a particular nous for insurance law issues. 



  • Bachelor of Laws (Honours), 2011, University of New South Wales
  • Bachelor of Arts (Politics and International Relations), 2011, University of New South Wales
  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, 2012, College of Law


  • Law Society of New South Wales
  • Australian Professional Indemnity Group