Our specialist Local Government practice represents the foundation of our commitment to the public sector.
We work for
approximately 200 Local Government bodies and authorities in both panel and
off-panel appointments. We have well-established credentials and a reputation
for providing high-quality
legal advice and representation to Local Government.
Moray & Agnew is appointed as a MAV legal provider to all Victorian councils. A directory of our Victorian Local Government team can be seen here.
Lawyers in our Local Government teams have experience across:
- Government and administrative law
- All classes of insurance law
- Personal injury and liability law
- Employment law, including workplace health and safety matters
- Litigation, including dispute resolution and model litigant obligations
- Planning and environment
- Property and development
- Commercial law
- Construction law
- Coronial inquiries.
We focus on providing government clients with worthwhile commercial outcomes and value for money, while supporting them to:
- Satisfy changing statutory and regulatory requirements
- Deal fairly with stakeholders and interest groups
- Carefully manage risk
- Avoid conflicts of interest.
We’ve built a deep understanding of the needs and challenges of each of our Local Government clients. We focus on nurturing relationships, being responsive and delivering consistent advice.
We understand how to defend, secure and promote Local Government interests when applying our legal expertise to government matters. We always aim to proactively position government to minimise the impact of emerging risks.
Our systems and processes are best-in-class, and can be aligned with government requirements. Our ability to scale delivery capability also means our government clients can be confident we have the leadership, infrastructure and resources to roll out a consistent approach and perform dependably.
Local Government expertise is demonstrated through our panel appointments which
Are you looking for market-leading legal experience and expertise?
Email our team direct at government@moray.com.au or click below.