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Jane Thomson



+61 2 6210 4263

Jane is a highly skilled Government advisor specialising in administrative and employment law litigation. Jane has advised and acted for government and private clients in various Courts and Tribunals across a range of areas of law. Jane has hands-on experience with Government and is known for providing practical options to resolve matters favourably for her clients.


Jane has advised and acted for government and private clients in various Courts and Tribunals across a range of areas of law. Jane also has over 10 years experience working in employment law with a particularly strong understanding of discrimination law across Federal, State and Territory jurisdictions.

Prior to admission Jane worked for 5 years mediating conciliation complaints at the ACT Human Rights Commission.

Jane takes a proactive approach to dispute resolution targeting matters early for resolution. She routinely advises her clients on evidence, risks and prospects of litigation to ensure her clients understand the variables of litigation. Having worked as a Senior Government lawyer in the Australian Public Service, Jane has hands-on experience with Government and is known for providing practical options to resolve matters favourably for her clients.


Successfully litigating matters under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in both access and planning matters including advising on complex jurisdictional issues.

Providing advice to Commonwealth Government clients on legislation in relation to various issues including on Working with Vulnerable People legislation across all Australia jurisdictions and the obligations of their staff under this legislation



  • Bachelor of Social Science (Justice Studies), 2006, Charles Sturt University
  • Juris Doctor, 2016, Australian National University
  • Practitioner’s Certificate in Mediation, The Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia


  • Law Society of Australian Capital Territory
  • Women Lawyer’s Association ACT