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Alexandra Cooper

Senior Associate


+61 7 3225 5919

Alex acts on behalf of insurance providers in representing and assisting doctors and other health professionals in defending medico-legal claims, and regulatory and disciplinary proceedings concerning performance, impairment and registration. She also acts on behalf of government agencies by assisting with prosecutions against both individuals and companies, as well as advising on fraudulent insurance claims.

Experience & Expertise

Alex commenced her legal career as a law clerk with a firm specialising in criminal law while also carrying out volunteer work at Queensland’s Prisoners’ Legal Service Inc.

Following her admission to practice, Alex took up the position of Associate to his Honour, Judge Paul Smith of the District Court of Queensland. This experience allowed her to gain invaluable exposure to the workings of the justice system.

Her credentials include practising in the fields of administrative law, occupational discipline and criminal law, which also involved appearing and/or instructing Counsel in criminal and disciplinary proceedings as well as Commissions of Inquiry and coronial inquests. She has also acted on behalf of government agencies by assisting with regulatory prosecutions against both individuals and companies.

Alex provides advice and assistance to health practitioners in relation to review and appeals of the decisions of medical associations, and specifically in relation to decisions made relating to practitioners’ medical training programs.


Alex has authored several articles on legal issues that have been published in Queensland Law Society’s journal, The Proctor and the Queensland Police Union’s journal.



  • Bachelor of Laws, 2012, Griffith University
  • Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 2012, Griffith University


  • Australian Professional Indemnity Group
  • Queensland Law Society – Occupational Discipline Law Committee Member
  • Medico-Legal Society of Queensland– Member