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Joshua Szwarcbard

Special Counsel


+61 3 8687 7377

Joshua is an experienced property lawyer, having developed a broad commercial and retail leasing practice over a number of years. He is trusted by clients for his practical advice, fast response time and attention to detail.

Experience & Expertise

Since joining the property practice at Moray & Agnew in 2017, Joshua has focused primarily on retail and commercial leasing transactions and has gained significant exposure to government leasing and shopping centre leasing as well as many one-off and smaller matters.

Joshua has prepared and negotiated a significant number of leases and has provided advice in relation to negotiation those leases to ensure his clients’ needs are best met. Joshua has also provided advice to potential purchasers of land and potential assignees of leases in relation to the terms of those leases, including unusual and onerous terms as they affect those clients.

In his previous role, where he spent 8 years at a boutique commercial firm, Joshua acted for clients across all areas of law but with a particular focus on property and commercial law matters. In that role Joshua gained experience both in drafting documents and in litigating disputes.

.Joshua is known to provide succinct and relevant advice within fast turnaround times and is trusted for his experience in a wide variety of leasing matters.


  • Acting for the Victorian Government in drafting and negotiating leases and related documents related to the government department premises needs across Victoria and providing relevant and commercial advice on new and existing leases
  • Acting for a large shopping centre owner in connection with the drafting, negotiation and/or renewal of leases and associated requirements.
  • Advising various small, medium and large clients on the terms of proposed and existing leases, how they accord with the agreed commercial terms as understood by that party, and recommending appropriate amendments
  • Drafting and reviewing lease related and unrelated commercial agreements
  • Acting for both vendors and purchasers of residential and commercial land.



  • Bachelor of Laws, 2006, University of Melbourne
  • Bachelor of Science, 2006, University of Melbourne


  • Law Institute of Victoria