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John Giang-Nguyen

Senior Associate


+61 2 9234 4585

John is a member of our General Insurance team and has extensive experience in insurance litigation, with a particular focus on personal injury and public liability claims.


John has extensive experience in defending both unlitigated and litigated claims on instructions from a number of different Australian and overseas insurers.

He acts for construction companies, manufacturers, principal contractors, subcontractors, shopping centres, cleaning companies, real estate agencies, education institutions, gymnasiums and government agencies.

His experience includes:

  • Defending and resolving personal injury claims
  • Advising clients on policy coverage and interpretation, dual insurance and indemnity issues
  • Litigating and defending property damage claims
  • Litigated subrogated property recovery claims.

John’s attention to detail and forensic analysis of the facts and evidence allows him to deliver both value and commercially sound results for his clients. 


John has successfully defended a variety of different claims ranging from “slip and falls” cases to high value and complex claims involving multiple defendants.

Some of his accomplishments include:

  • Successfully defending a prominent sports club in a personal injury claim and enforcing an adverse cost order on behalf of the client
  • Successfully defending a major government organisation in a claim brought by an employee of a subcontractor with respect to its system of work
  • Successfully defending a manufacturer in a claim brought by an employee of a subcontractor who was allegedly electrocuted at the site
  • Successfully defending a transport company in a breach of contract claim brought by its customer
  • Representing a building contractor in a traumatic brain injury claim which resolved at mediation
  • Representing the owner of a large commercial complex in a claim brought by a visitor who suffered various injuries caused by the condition of the premises.




  • Bachelor of Laws, 2015, University of New South Wales
  • Bachelor of Commerce, 2015, University of New South Wales


  • Law Society of NSW – Young Lawyers
  • Young Insurance Professionals