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Safa Jan



+61 2 9234 4690

Safa’s key areas of practice are management of workers compensation and work injury damages claims within NSW. She has developed in-depth expertise and knowledge in this area of law and is highly regarded by her clients for her skilful conduct of litigation.

Experience & Expertise

Safa advises on and defends a variety of workers compensation claims involving statutory and common law matters. She advised a number of NSW scheme agents, various NSW government agencies and a range of small and medium-sized corporations.

Safa’s advice is sought to achieve fast and effective resolution of highly contentious disputes, in respect of both statutory and work injury damages claims particularly in complex psychological injury claims made by NSW Government front-line workers.

She is skilled at solving complex liability disputes and providing alternative approaches to resolve matters that are well suited to all parties. She is well known for her sound management of sensitive claims litigation flowing from psychological injuries.

She has provided education and training seminars to employers and insurer clients in respect of psychological injuries as well as ongoing legislative changes. Safa is known for her excellent communication skills and her ability to present in a cohesive and direct manner.   

Prior to joining Moray & Agnew in 2016, Safa practised with a New Zealand-based boutique plaintiff law firm that specialised in Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), mental health law and criminal law matters.

During that time, particularly in connection with ACC claims, Safa frequently represented plaintiffs at tribunal reviews and District Court appeals. Her experience in criminal law matters includes appearing in District Court hearings on behalf of private and government-funded defendants.

Safa now conducts litigation across various NSW courts and tribunals, including the Personal Injury Commission, District and Supreme Courts and the NSW Court of Appeal.

Safa is dedicated to servicing clients and building long term relationships, which is highly regarded by her clients.  



  • Bachelor of Law, 2012, Victoria University of Wellington
  • Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), 2012, Victoria University of Wellington


  • Law Society of New South Wales