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Tayla Maclachlan

Senior Associate


+61 7 3225 5976

Tayla has considerable experience acting for insurers in the areas of public liability, property damage, historical child sexual abuse and motor vehicle (CTP) and is highly proficient in defending both litigated and non-litigated matters initiated under personal injury legislation.


Tayla has in-depth experience across all applicable legislative regimes in Queensland and defends matters at every stage of the claims process, including through to settlement conferences, at mediations and at trial.

She has conduct of a range of public liability matters including claims arising from major construction projects, theme parks, major commercial and hospitality chains, and e-scooter companies. She regularly advises insurers in connection with liability exposure, assessment of quantum and policy coverage. Tayla also advises on historical child sexual abuse matters.

Tayla’s personal injury practice involves wide-ranging responsibilities, including investigating and managing claims. She is a sensible and approachable operator with excellent communication skills that ensures she is on the same page as her clients, regardless of the complicated nature of matters.

Additionally, Tayla manages a portfolio of large-scale statutory recovery proceedings under the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994.



  • Bachelor of Laws, 2015, Griffith University
  • Bachelor of International Relations, 2015, Griffith University
  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, 2017, Queensland University of Technology


  • Queensland Law Society