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Christopher Philactides

Special Counsel


+61 3 8687 7306

Chris specialises in Owners Corporation Law, Building and Construction and domestic building insurance.

With over 10 years of experience, Chris has developed an in-depth understanding of the complexities that exist between an Owners Corporation, its manager, committee members, individual lot owners and key stakeholders.


Chris provides practical and strategic advice to Owners Corporations in relation to disputes under the Owners Corporation Act 2006, Subdivision Act 1988, building defect claims arising under the Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995, in addition to disputes between lot owners, neighbouring properties, contractors and owners corporation managers. 

Chris has experience in commercial litigation including freezing order applications, applications for summary judgment, shareholder oppression claims, alternative Dispute Resolution, insolvency work.

He also has extensive experience in general commercial transactions across numerous industry sectors including franchising, joint ventures, retail and commercial tenancies. This includes reviewing commercial contracts including agency agreements, contractor agreements, supplier terms, distribution agreements, leases, licence and trade mark agreements.

His experience includes:

  • Acting predominately on behalf of owners corporations, builders and private owners in relation to commercial building and construction disputes including multi-million dollar building defects claims
  • Defending insurers in builders warranty claim disputes
  • Acting for Owners Corporations in relation to breach of special/model rules, implied easements, including appearances at VCAT at contested and uncontested interlocutory applications, attendances at compulsory conferences, costs applications
  • Providing advice to Owners Corporations in relation to termination of manager disputes including preparing committee ballots to terminate applications for an injunction to compel the return of books, records and funds
  • Acting on behalf of owners corporations, builders and private owners in relation to Water Act claims, implied easements, encroachment, breach of contract claims in connection with the sale of land
  • Providing advice in relation to SOP Act claims including adjudication reviews and judicial reviews post adjudication process.



  • Bachelor of Arts, 2005, Monash University
  • Master of Communications, 2008, RMIT University
  • Juris Doctor, 2012, Monash University


  • Law Institute of Victoria