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Renée Briody

Special Counsel


+61 2 9234 4560

An experienced property and estates lawyer, Renée’s expertise is in protecting clients’ interests and ensuring that their wishes are achieved.

Renée joined Moray & Agnew in 2003. Her excellent communication skills, practical approach and attention to detail ensures that clients’ wishes are achieved in timely manner.


Renée acts for all types of clients, both individuals and small to large corporations. She specialises in property and commercial matters as well as wills, estate planning and deceased estates.

Renée has extensive experience in property and conveyancing matters. She acts for clients in relation to commercial, industrial, residential and agricultural properties. Her intention is to ensure that client’s interests are protected in the least contentious manner, and that clients’ are kept fully informed and have a strong role to play in deciding how matters should proceed.

Renée also has extensive experience in relation to wills, estate planning and deceased estates. She has acted for clients in complicated family provision actions.

Renée is known for her efficiency and for providing sound and practical advice. Her excellent communication skills ensure that clients are fully informed.

Renée also has a strong commitment to volunteering and has been an active member of NSW SES for in excess of 13 years. She is a recognised trainer and has held many management roles in her local unit, including that of Deputy Unit Commander.



  • Bachelor of Laws, 1993, University of Technology Sydney


  • Law Society of New South Wales