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Vanessa Parkins

Special Counsel


+61 2 6210 4237

Vanessa has 15 years’ experience in personal injury insurance with a focus on CTP claims across the NSW and ACT jurisdictions. She works closely with her clients to develop a strategic plan for management of claims and personal injury litigation which is resolution focused and cost-effective.


Vanessa presently advises all major CTP insurers with an emphasis on early resolution of matters. She targets matters early for resolution and utilises alternative dispute resolution processes to ensure the best chance of resolving even the most complex of claims. She routinely advises her clients on evidence, legal costs, risk and prospects to ensure a clear understanding of the variables of litigation.

When running matters for arbitration or litigation, she is meticulous with her preparation to ensure the best possible outcome for her clients. 

Vanessa is well-known among her clients and colleagues for undertaking thorough assessments of damages and has a detailed understanding of complex economic loss issues involving residual earning capacity, self-employed persons and complex entities including trusts. She also has had significant experience in running and resolving costs assessments in the ACT.


Examples of major matters Vanessa has acted in include:

  • A determination on disclosure of documents under the Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002 (ACT) – Cleary v Rinaudo (2013) 8 ACTLR 71
  • An appeal in relation to residual earning capacity – Howard v Aikman (2015) 74 MVR 184
  • Contributory negligence and a reduction in the assessment of general damages under the Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002 – Smith v Pangallo [2017] ACTCA 61.

Ranked as a Recommended Lawyer - Compulsory Third Party ACT by Doyle's Guide 2022. 

Ranked in the peer-reviewed Best Lawyers® in Australia list for Alternative Dispute Resolution 2025.




  • Bachelor of Applied Economics, 2004, University of Canberra
  • Bachelor of Laws, 2008, University of Canberra


  • Law Society of Australian Capital Territory 
  • Legal Advice Bureau, Volunteer
  • Women Lawyer’s Association ACT