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Kelly Poh

Special Counsel


+61 2 8651 4764

Kelly is a member of our Sydney Professional Indemnity team. In this role, she works across all aspects of health law, including defending civil claims, complaints to disciplinary bodies, hospital investigations, coronial inquests, Medicare inquiries and employment disputes.  


Kelly’s specific area of expertise is in Health Law, acting for a range of healthcare providers, including doctors, pharmacists and medical practices in the public and private health care systems.

Kelly’s main focus is in representing health practitioners in professional conduct matters involving statutory bodies and Local Health Districts. She assists doctors with disciplinary complaints, investigations, prosecutions and appeals before Inquiries, Professional Standards Committees and the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal. She is also involved in preparing for, appearing in and instructing counsel in coronial inquests and administrative law matters.

Kelly has assisted a number of doctors and employers in relation to employment and industrial disputes, including the conduct of internal and external investigations. Kelly has provided advice and assistance to employers in relation to the management of poor performance and misconduct in the workplace and advising on employment termination. She regularly appears on unfair dismissal applications and notifications of industrial disputes in the Industrial Relations Commission of NSW.

Kelly has also acted in criminal proceedings brought against health practitioners.


Kelly has achieved favourable outcomes for health practitioners in terms of extended notice periods and compensation based on her detailed preparation and proactive approach.


Kelly is regularly commended on the outcomes achieved.



  • Bachelor of Laws, 2016, University of Sydney
  • Bachelor of Political, Economic and Social Sciences, 2014, University of Sydney


  • Australian Professional Indemnity Group
  • Law Society of New South Wales