No business operates in a vacuum, and we’re highly conscious of the impact our operations have on our environment. To reduce our environmental footprint and improve the firm’s sustainability, we engage a variety of approaches.

  • Policies and Plans – We have an Environmental Policy and Management Plan, as well as a Waste Elimination and Carbon Neutrality Plan, which help minimise any negative effects our operations and processes might otherwise have on our environment.
  • Auditing and Accountability – To ensure accountability, and to assist in identifying other initiatives to further reduce our environmental footprint, we conduct an annual audit of the firm’s compliance with our sustainability plans and policies.
  • Consultation – We believe everyone has a part to play in promoting sustainability. Involving all staff members in discussions about sustainability issues and initiatives has been key to the firm’s success in raising awareness and encouraging buy-in. We are always open to suggestions as to more sustainable ways to do business.
  • CollaborationOur social procurement also looks to supports environmental sustainability through collaborating with professionals and organisations that share our values. Wherever possible, preference is given to using suppliers that in turn give back to the community to produce socially sustainable outcomes.
  • Considered Procurement – Minimising environmental impacts are at the heart of our purchasing decisions. For example, all paper products we use are recycled, FSC certified, and carbon neutral.
  • Minimising Consumables – We are proactive in minimising the firm’s use of consumables such as paper, glass, coffee pods, aluminium, UHT and plastics. Where this is not possible, recycling by-products is a simple, but highly effective, means of maximising sustainability outcomes.

We also participate in the Supplier Ethical Data EXchange program (SEDEX), one of the world’s leading not-for-profit organisations for managing responsible sourcing in supply chains.